part | description |
C1 |
100nF ceramic capacitor |
R1 |
10k resistor (1/8W) |
D1-D4 | 1N4148 diode (optional) |
S1-S8 |
tact switch, DTSM 61N or similar |
IC1 | PIC16F630 or PIC16F676 microcontroller, pre-programmed |
transmitter module, see text (hardware) |
B1 |
battery between 2-5.5VDC (check TXMOD specs for valid voltage range) |
part | description |
C1 |
100nF ceramic capacitor |
C2 |
470 uF 6.3V, electrolytic
capacitor |
R1 |
10k resistor (1/8W) |
R2 |
10 ohm resistor (1/4W) |
D1-D4 | 1N4148 diode (optional) |
D5 |
IR transmitter LED |
Q1 |
BSS138 or similar N-MOSFET |
S1-S8 |
tact switch, DTSM 61N or similar |
IC1 | PIC16F684 microcontroller, pre-programmed |
B1 |
battery between 2-5.5VDC (CR2032, 3.6V LiIon battery or 3xAA
batteries) |
observe the corresponding address configuration! |
![]() transmitter: no diodes connected |
![]() receiver: switches all ON |
![]() transmitter: all diodes connected |
![]() receiver: switches all OFF |
parts list
part | description |
C1, C2 | 22pF ceramic capacitor |
C3, C5 | 100nF ceramic capacitor |
C6 | 10uF 6.3V electrolytic capacitor |
CN1-CN8 | PCB terminal block, 3-way (DG301) |
D1-D8 | 1N4004 diode |
IC1 | PIC16F627 or PIC16F628 or PIC16F627A or PIC16F628A microcontroller, pre-programmed |
IC2 | LP2950CZ5.0 voltage regulator |
LED | 3mm LED (green) |
LED1-LED8 | 3mm LED (red) |
Q1-Q8 | BS170 N-channel mosfet transistor |
R1-R9 | 220R resistor (1/8W) |
RL1-RL8 | G5LE relay, see text for coil voltage selection |
S1 | piano DIP switch, 4-way |
X1 | 4MHz HC49 crystal |
RXMOD | 3-pin radio receiver module, see text (hardware) |
observe the corresponding address configuration! |
![]() transmitter: no diodes connected |
![]() receiver: switches all ON |
![]() transmitter: all diodes connected |
![]() receiver: switches all OFF |
parts list
part | description |
C1, C2 | 22pF ceramic capacitor |
C3, C5 | 100nF ceramic capacitor |
C4 | 4.7uF 6.3V electrolytic capacitor |
C6 | 10uF 6.3V electrolytic capacitor |
CN1-CN8 | PCB terminal block, 3-way (DG301) |
D1-D8 | 1N4004 diode |
IC1 | PIC16F627 or PIC16F628 or PIC16F627A or PIC16F628A microcontroller, pre-programmed |
IC2 | LP2950CZ5.0 voltage regulator |
IC3 | TSOP1738 IR receiver, see text (hardware) |
LED | 3mm LED (green) |
LED1-LED8 | 3mm LED (red) |
Q1-Q8 | BS170 N-channel mosfet transistor |
R1-R9 | 220R resistor (1/8W) |
R10 | 10k resistor (1/8W) |
R11 | 100R resistor (1/8W) |
RL1-RL8 | G5LE relay, see text for coil voltage |
S1 | piano DIP switch, 4-way |
X1 | 4MHz HC49 crystal |
file |
line | meaning |
enc-042.asm | 25 #define MODE_CH4 | the
device is 4-channel, sending ON/OFF channel codes |
enc-042.asm |
28 #define MODE_CH8 | the device
is 8-channel,
sending simple codes for channels |
irmtxv4.asm | 44 pwm_freq EQU d'38000' | the IR transmitter frequency is set to 38000 Hz. This should match the receiver module frequency |
dec-043.asm | 36
outputs to be latched. This is a binary mask, one bit per channel.
Other channels will be momentary Example: LATCH_MASK EQU B'00001111' # channel 1-4 are latched, channel 5-8 are momentary |
dec-044.asm | 38 LATCH_MASK EQU 0xff | |
mrxv4.asm | 56
#define SKL btfsc 57 #define SKH btfss |
normal decoder logic input is used for the RF receivers (most times) |
mrxv4.asm | 60
#define SKL btfss 61#define SKH btfsc |
inverse decoder logic input is used for the IR receivers (most times) |
LATCH_MASK EQU B'00001111'
sets channels 8-5 to momentary
channels 4-1 to latched (toggle) mode. Then use the compiler (MPLAB or
gputils) to
assemble the code.clrf
0x91 ;