name | version | description | download |
pmaster | 010 | PBUS master controller using software UART. Written and tested on 16F628, polls 2-5 devices and displays statistics on LCD | pmaster.asm pbus master |
LCDLIB | 001 | library to drive an at least 2x16 LCD display see the lcdlib page for LCD interface schematic |, lcdlib.asm are required for the example sources to display debug info |
name | version | description | download |
PB12 | 023 | polling version for 12-bit slave devices without interrupt capability (stack depth is 2). Written and tested on 16F628. Not actually tested on 12c508 devices | pbus 12-bit slave |
PBUS | 041 | software UART version for 14-bit devices with interrupt capability. Written and tested on 16F628 | pbus 14-bit slave |